At the ERHS Library, we usually celebrate "Makerdays" in December. Makerdays is all about creating in the library. We provide students with cheap and easy DIY gifts to give or keep. While we cannot be together this year, we still wanted to provide you with inspiration to create during the holiday season. For our virtual Makerdays, we will provide tutorials for easy and affordable gifts each week you can make for yourself or for someone else. We will also be giving away a Makerdays craft kit each week. Be sure to fill out the Google Form below to enter. One winner will be selected every Friday, you can enter every week.

We know that this past year has been difficult for many of us. Making, crafting, tinkering, and creating is a great way to spend time with yourself, relax, and relieve stress. We hope that these ideas can provide you with some fun and creativity until we can all be together again. Happy creating Mustangs!

Makerdays Craft Kit Giveaway

Week 3- ERHS Felt Key Chains