
November 13 | Luter 157 & Virtual | 10:00AM-12:00PM & 1:30-3:30PM

What is a mapathon?

A Mapathon is a community mapping event where volunteers gather to put vulnerable communities on the map. No previous mapping experience is required! This event is perfect for beginner mappers, experienced mappers, map-lovers, or those who want to give back to the community.

It is a great place to learn basic mapping skills and network with other students in and around your area as well as team up with other countries. Students will learn how to utilize easy-to-use open-source programs such as OpenStreetMap and HOTS Tasking Manager to assist them in updating current maps or mapping countries/areas that have either never had a map prior or have been devastated by natural disasters.

What experience is necessary to participate?

Absolutely no experience is necessary! The Mapathon will be held both in-person and online at the same time, so everyone will be able to see and interact with each other in both settings simultaneously if they wish.

Once again, we have teamed up with the Monarch Mappers at Old Dominion University for a fun little competition. This event is in collaboration with many other organizations and schools such as Tidewater Community College, WISE, Fellowship of Women in Science, ODU Studios, OES Grad Students Organization, and Gamma Theta Upsilon.

Register now to contribute to humanitarian efforts through mapping!

The Mapathon will be held on November 13th during two different time blocks. You can show up for either or both and are not obligated to stay for the full session. If you would like to show up in-person, we ask that you click the registration button and register ahead of the date. We are limited to a specific number of computers within the GIS lab and in-person participation will be based on the registrations received. There will also be a Zoom link provided if you opt for the online (virtual) option.

There will be prizes for those participants who map the most and light refreshments will be served

This event is PLP Passport Destination approved

Participating students may also use these hours toward Service Distinction

ODUMM Mapathon Fall 2021 Flyer.pdf