Center for Career Planning

Student and Alumni Spotlights 

Alumni Spotlight 

A woman smiling.

Phylicia McInnis ‘22

Major: Organismal Biology

Current Position: Radiation Therapy Veterinary Assistant

Employer: Veterinary Referral Associates 24hr Specialty and Emergency 

Can you give a brief background about your current company and position?   

I assist in making pets with cancer comfortable and ensuring them a better quality of life and more time with their owners. 

How do you think being at Christopher Newport helped you to pursue your career path? 

The people around me kept me motivated. My teammates, coaches, advisors, friends, and some professors were always willing to help and push me towards my goal. 

What was your most memorable class at CNU and how did it inform or impact your career path?  

Marine Biology - super interactive and the content was really fun and interesting.

What advice would you give current students?

Stay true to yourself and don't be afraid to take on new challenges. The road isn't supposed to be easy. Utilize the resources on campus, there are people there who want to help! Do what makes you happy, believe in yourself, and don’t give up. 

Student Spotlight 

A woman smiling.

Soren French ‘25

Intern with Virginia Living Museum's Advancement Department

Class Year:  Junior

Major: History & Leadership Studies

What resources did you use to find your internship?

I had volunteered a few times at the VLM and they offered it to me after I had worked with them.

Describe the most valuable lesson you learned?

I learned that being self-sufficient and confident in your work is essential! 

How was this experience connected to your time at CNU?

There was a TON of teamwork involved in this internship. I worked with adults, other interns, other CNU students, and their Board. My leadership classes, especially the idea of servant leadership, was really applicable here.

What advice do you have for underclassmen seeking internship opportunities?

Look for internships outside of your career field too! You may just find something you love!

Interested in sharing your internship experience with us? 

Fill out this short form to be featured on the CCP social media accounts! 

Alumni Form

Student Form