If you are a Parent/Carer of a Year 10 student at Cardinal Newman Catholic School, there are various staff members who will be able to support you and any queries you may have.

Preparation and Exam Stress Management support

GCSE student.pdf

Look after yourself tips

Rise_Above_Managing_Exam_Stress-_tip_sheet (002).pdf

Managing Anxiety tips


Topt tips

Barnardo's Exam Stress Toolkit.pdf

Managing strees toolkit

Year 11 Extra curricular interventions 2024
GCSE Subjects, exam boards and link to revision and past papers

 Instructions for Logging into Exams Assist.  Allows students to view their upcoming exam timetable and seating

Exams assist parental instructions.pdf
Instructions for Students - Exams assist.pdf
Year 11 Parent information sheet- email to parent if required

PPL - Pastoral Progress Leader (Head of House)

Foster House - Ms C Foster

Jeens House - Mr A Jeens

Kellie House - Mr M Kellie

Lawden House - Mrs C Lawden

Marsh House - Ms L Marsh

Nelson House - Mr W Nelson

O'Connor House - Mr S O'Connor

Peel house - Ms I Peel

Ruby House - Ms J Ruby

Searancke House - Mrs T Searancke

Stevens House - Mr T Stevens

Tate House - Mrs H Tate

PAM - Pastoral Attendance Manager

Foster/Stevens House - Mrs A Baker

Jeens/Peel House - Ms L Amicucci

Kellie/Ruby House - Mrs L Smith

Lawden/Searancke House - Miss M Rodriguez

Marsh/Nelson House - Ms K Pym

O'Connor/Tate House - Miss P Goodwin

Support for Students

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Our core values of Caritas excellence, and together mean that we aim to promote positive, mental health and well-being throughout our community. 

I need to talk button 

During term time only. Please fill in this form if you need to talk to someone confidentially at school or college, or if you want to share something but might not want to talk face to face yet.