
Greetings, I'm Emma Horvath, and I teach 7th and 8th-grade English Language Arts (ELA) here at CMJH.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Secondary Education from Texas A&M-CC. Additionally, I've earned my Masters from UC-Denver in Responsive Literacy Education.

In terms of certifications in the state of Colorado, I am qualified in the following areas:

To give you a concise overview, I view ELA as a multifaceted gem comprising three essential components: reading, writing, and grammar. In our classroom, we'll delve into each of these aspects on a daily basis. I'm particularly passionate about reading and I'm looking forward to exploring some fantastic books with all of you this year.

Ms.Horvath's Class Schedule

Period 1- Plan Period

Period 2- 7th Grade ELA

Period 3- 8th Grade ELA

Period 4- Plan Period 

1st Lunch 

Period 5- 7th Grade ELA

Period 6- 8th Grade ELA

Period 7- 8th Grade ELA 

Access- NJHS 

Contact me...

by email for the fastest response. I will get back to your email within 24 hours. 


You can also give me a call at:

719-475-6120 extension 124

Working hours Monday- Friday 7:35 am - 3:45 pm