Grading Scale

Report cards are sent home on a quarterly basis.  A report card is not a judgment of your child's worth as an individual. It does not measure the delight he or she gives, the humor in those young eyes, or the hope for tomorrow. It measures only one aspect of a young life with so much untried potential. After only a few years of life, we cannot judge their lives to be successes or failures at anything. Please look at your child's report card with love and acceptance of how things are right now. Give it only the importance of the moment - notice and point out the good and positive, emphasize what your child is doing right, and build on that to improve what needs improving. Young developing egos are fragile - handle with care and nourish all that your child is and can be.



4 = The student works independently and shows a consistent display of strength in this area.

3 = The student works independently and is making appropriate gains.

2 = The student is doing what is expected and is making gains but is not fully independent in this area.

1 = There is a significant discrepancy between the student’s work or actions and what is expected.