September and October

Week 8 October 25-October 29

Autumn Leaves Crayon Resist (Part 2)

Part 2 of the Autumn Leaves Crayon Resist Assignment is to paint over your crayon leaf drawing with watercolor paints. Give thought to your color scheme.

Some examples:

Warm color positive space (your leaves) Cool color negative space (your background)

Primary color leaves (red/blue/yellow) Secondary color background (Orange/Green/Violet)

Take your time. Allow the colors to "bleed" (mix together on the paper)

Remember you only have to show me your work on Flipgrid if you are a distance learner this week. If you are in person this week I can see your work in the art room.

Week 7 October 19-October23

Autumn Leaves Crayon Resist (Part 1)

Part 1 of the Autumn Leaves Crayon Resist Assignment is to find a leaf (or leaves) to trace with crayon on white paper.

Add the veins. Separate the negative space (background) in to several sections. Fill each section with a variety of patterns and shapes. Color some of the shapes in. Grades K-1-2 will do one leaf. Grades 3-4-5 will do a cluster of leaves that overlap each other.

Next week will paint over the crayon with watercolor paints.

The Flipgrid is only for those students who are distance learning. If you are "in person" for art, you don't have to show me your work on Flipgrid because I can see it when you are in the art room.

Week 6 2020 October 12-October 16

Fire Safety Poster Due October 16

Week 5 & 6 2020 October 5-October 16

Fire Safety Poster

October is Fire Safety Month. Design a poster illustrating this year's theme:


Be sure to include the theme in your poster. Kindergarteners and 1st Graders can have an adult write the theme on their poster for them or print the theme, cut it out and glue to their poster.

A representative from the Center Moriches Fire Department will judge the posters. winners will be announced on Friday, October 23rd.

Posters are due on Friday, October 16th.

Be sure your Name, Grade and Teacher are written on the BACK in pencil.

Week 4 2020

Square 1 Art Final Copy

Choose your favorite sketch from last week and copy it on the final copy paper. Make it bright and colorful. Using a black sharpie, sign your first name and the year somewhere within your square.

Return to me by October 6th.

Week 3 2020

Square 1 Art Sketches

Week 2 2020.

Finish Getting Your Art Supplies and Shoe About You.

Check In with FlipGrid.

Don't forget to say your Name, Grade and Teacher in your video!

Supply List

For the 2020-2021 School Year all student artists should bring to art class (or keep handy at home for distant learners) in a bag or box:

Crayons, Markers, Scissors, Elmers Glue, Glue Stick

Water Color Paint Set with a brush, Drawing Paper

Pencils, Erasers

Some Extra Supplies for

(Especially Grades 3-4-5) might include:

Oil Pastels, Chalk Pastels, tempera paint, Color Pencils,

Sharpies (Black, Fine and Extra Fine)

Weeks 1, 2020

Please assemble your supplies (listed below).

Watch the video to complete your first assignment,

"Shoe About You" by Friday September 18.

Show your work on flipgrid so I see you participated.