S.A.I.L. Student Support Services Team



We are a RAMP school!

Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) recognizes schools committed to delivering comprehensive, data-informed school counseling programs aligned with the ASCA National Model framework. The RAMP designation is the highest national honor a school counseling program can receive.

To date, approximately 1,200 schools have earned the RAMP designation, and we are very proud to say S.A.I.L. is one of only 3 CMS schools to receive this distinguished title! 


Our goal is to implement a collaborative and comprehensive school counseling program by making sure that all students are learning skills to become successful in their academic, personal/emotional, and college/career domains.

The School Counselor at the South Academy of International Languages engage with students and support their learning through classroom lessons,  small group counseling sessions, and individual sessions. We also help students and families who may experience crises or challenges at home or at school. We may work with students who are in need of academic success, test taking or study skills, learning styles, anger management, grief, behavior success within the school and/or at home, and college and career exploration.

We can also make outside agency referrals if a student or family may be in need of community support, intensive therapeutic services, and/or outside counseling. We also collaborate with teachers on Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS/ formerly RtI) Tier II and III plans, development of 504 plans, and parent-teacher conferences.

Because school counselors are expected to serve every student in the total school community, we do not have the capacity to provide long-term intensive counseling/therapy to any student. As a result, much like going to a primary care doctor to address general medical concerns, but then being referred to an endocrinologist for ongoing care of diabetes, the school counselor provides general short-term, goal-focused counseling and refers intensive counseling needs to service providers whose primary roles are counseling/therapy services.


The mission of the South Academy of International Languages Counseling Department is to provide a proactive, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate program to address all students' academic and career goals in addition to supporting their personal and social needs.  This is accomplished through a partnership with parents/guardians, staff, and community members to enable all students to become successful, productive citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse and changing world. We will promote equity and access equality to an environment that encourages personal inquiry and growth, social responsibility, and academic excellence. 


The South Academy of International Languages student will become resilient, academically successful, and global scholars.  They will obtain self-advocacy skills to remove barriers when faced with adversity. They will learn life-long skills to be academically successful in any educational setting.  Our students will seek opportunities to continue developing language acquisition and cultural awareness with a respectful lens.


The South Academy of International Languages Counseling Department believes that *All children are unique and should be treated with respect and dignity. *Every student can succeed. *Learning is a lifelong process. *Fostering a positive self-image is the collaborative effort of the school, home, and community which leads to responsible and productive citizenship. *All students will learn self-advocacy skills to remove barriers when faced with adversity. *The diverse needs of all students must be advocated for  through the school counseling program. *Every student needs appropriate personal and social skills to achieve optimum benefits from the educational program. *A comprehensive, developmental school counseling program is an integral part of the total education program. *A developmentally appropriate school counseling program provides important benefits to individual students by addressing their academic, social-emotional, and career/college-ready needs.