APRIL 5TH, 2020

Good Evening River Oaks Families,

This is Principal Gust with our Sunday Message. Starting Monday, we will begin our remote learning of new content. Teachers have sent out sample schedules to help you align the day for your scholars. There will be opportunity for scholars to engage in video lessons with their teachers and then will have opportunity to work independently on instructional tasks. In addition to this scholars will receive weekly check ins to get feedback and guidance on the work that they are completing. Each teacher has a google classroom and/or a Canvas page that will support the scholars in knowing what work is expected. In addition to this, our K-3rd grade scholars can pick up paper packets underneath the awning in the front of the school. Please note that this location has moved from the lunch pick up line. Pre-K packets should be available soon as well. As we continue, CMS will send out a connect ed to let parents know when the packets will be available. In grades 4-5, if a scholar is in need of print materials, they should reach out to their teacher for support.

Please continue to connect with your teachers for guidance and support or reach out to me at We are here to support you in this difficult time. We are beginning a weekly spirit week that will continue each week with a daily theme. Please send pictures of your child engaging in these activities to your child's teacher. This week is a short week, as spring break begins on Thursday, April 9th. On Monday we will celebrate Mellow Monday, where students will receive a message to help center them and motivate them for the week ahead. Tuesdays, are talk to a friend Tuesday. Students are encouraged to connect with a friend online or by phone. Wednesday is walk about Wednesday. We are encouraging our students to get outside and take a walk.

Please note that the cafeteria will still have grab and go lunches during spring break, except for April 10th as this is a holiday. On behalf of the entire staff, I want you to know that we miss seeing everyone on a daily basis. We hope that all is well and that we will be together again soon! Thank you and have a great evening.

APRIL 19TH, 2020

Good Evening River Oaks Families,

This is Principal Gust with our Sunday Message. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful spring break. While this was probably different then many of you had anticipated, I am sure that you found some fun activities to do at home. Hopefully you had a chance to see our staff's video to all of our scholars wishing them a happy spring break. If you didn't get a chance to see it please check out the link on our Facebook page or school website.

This week we continue with our new learning with Monday being day 14. Please look for information from your child's teacher on their google classroom or canvas page about when class meetings will be. Ms. Smith has asked me to remind all scholars to use the Digital Citizenship skills you learned in Media Class to help keep yourself safe and secure while participating in remote learning. Parents if you would like to know more about Digital Citizenship you can go to the Common Sense Website at

Please also check out our website with our remote learning google site linked to it. This is your one stop shop for information, learning packets, and classroom pages.

We are continuing to ensure that our staff is able to stay safe during this time, which means we will have a bit of a change to our packet pick up. Packets will be available at the cafeteria lunch pick only this week. In addition, we will not have any availability for Chromebook issues. For Chromebook concerns, please continue to reach out to your child's teacher or call the school. You will be put on a list for our next deployment day, which will be on April 28th. This will also be the day that we have new packets available for pick up in the front of the school. We will send out a connect ed on Monday, April 27th to verify that new packets will be available. The new learning for these packets begins on April 29th.

Last, but not least, we will be having a virtual SLT meeting on April 27th at 3:00 pm. A link will be sent out to members of the SLT committee. We hope that all of you are and continue to be safe and healthy and we look forward to the day that we will be able to see everyone again. Please continue to reach out to us if you need anything. Thank you and have a great night.

APRIL 26TH, 2020

Good Evening River Oaks Families,

This is Mrs. Gust with our sunday message. As you have probably heard, Governor Cooper announced on Friday that our school buildings will remain closed for the rest of the school year for our scholars. While we are not physically in the building learning it continues to be important for our scholars to engage in the remote learning packets and online opportunities, so that they can continue to build and maintain their knowledge to prepare for the next school year. We will receive additional guidance from the state and the district regarding end of year grading.

Please know that we miss each of you very much and we hope that everyone continues to remain healthy and safe. We hope that you are engaging in our daily spirit week opportunities and making the most of the situation that we are dealing with. Please continue to connect with us through Facebook, our website, Bloomz, and email and let us know how we support you. Thank you and have a great evening.

APRIL 27TH, 2020

Good Evening River Oaks Families,

This message serves to confirm that we have received the new learning packets for our PreK through 3rd grade scholars. Packets will be available tomorrow, 4/28 under our awning at the front of the building from 10-2 pm. This is a self serve process where you can come to the front and grab your packet. After 2:00 tomorrow, the packets will be moved inside and will be available by the cafeteria from 10:30-12:30 daily. The new learning for these packets will begin on Wednesday.

Please note that we do not have staff working at the building on a daily basis. If there are questions or needs to be addressed please continue to reach out to us by leaving a voice mail, contacting your scholar's teacher, or emailing me at We hope that everyone continues to be safe and healthy. We will update you with any other new information as we receive it. Thank you and have a great evening.

May 3RD, 2020

Good Evening River Oaks Families,

This is Mrs. Gust with our Sunday Message. This week we are celebrating our staff virtually for Staff Appreciation Week. Please take a moment to think of ways that you let our teachers and staff know how much they are appreciated. Don't forget our Teacher Assistants, BMT, and connect teachers during this time as well. We have created some guidance to support you in this task, but please feel free to recognize them in any way possible. Scholars as you create things for your teacher this week, don't forget to recognize your parents and thank them for their role in teaching during our remote time. We are so thankful for their partnership. Monday is Meaningful Monday. Scholars should send a E-Card or note to tell their teachers how much they mean to them. Tuesday is Touch My Heart Tuesday. Send your teacher virtual flowers or a virtual hug. On Wednesday, scholars can Win their teacher over by sending them a video expressing how thankful they are for them. Thursday is Thankful Thursday. Scholars are encouraged to write a poem or song to thank their teachers for their hard work. Finally Friday is Freestyle Friday. Find a way to recognize your teacher in any creative way you choose. We hope that each of you continue to be well through this time away from school. We miss you very much. Thank you and have a great evening.

May 10TH, 2020

Good Evening River Oaks Families,

This is Mrs. Gust with our Sunday Message! First of all I want to wish all the mothers at our school a very Happy Mother's Day. I hope that you have had a great day!

Starting tomorrow at the lunch site, new packets will be available for the next phase of remote learning. Packets will be available from 10:30-12:30 for our PreK through 3rd grade scholars each day under the awning in the bus lot. The new learning begins on Wednesday, May 13th. Our SLT end of year review meeting has been moved to May 25th because we are awaiting additional guidance from the district.

Finally, please note that we have received final guidance regarding grading for our Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Scholars. Students will not receive a final grade, instead a coding of NG19 meaning No Grade due to Covid-19. Teachers will complete a form for all scholars that will document students strengths and needs for both academics and social/emotional well being to ensure each scholar has an effective transition from this remote learning in the spring to the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. Refund checks are beginning to be mailed out this week for field trips that we were unable to go on.

We will continue to update you on all other items such as yearbooks, collecting materials from the school, and returning Chromebooks as we get more information. Please note, remote learning will continue through June 9th, as this is the end of the school year. It is important that your scholar continue to engage in the learning to ensure that they are prepared for the upcoming year. Thank you and have a great night!

May 17TH, 2020

Good Evening River Oaks Families,

This is Mrs. Gust with our Sunday Message. It is hard to believe that we have been out of the school building for 2 months now. We are sad that we are ending our school year this way, but know that this is helping keep our school community safe and healthy. Learning is not over and we appreciate all that you are doing to help keep your scholar engaged in the work. Teachers will continue to check in with your scholars each week and provide feedback through May 29th. During June we will be completing EOY Feedback forms that provide input on what your scholar should work on to ensure they have mastered the materials for their grade level and are prepared to move on to the next grade level. In addition to this, teachers will hold conferences similar to our October conferences, but these will be held by phone or virtually through an online platform. Please be sure to sign up for a session.

While we can't be in person and are not allowed to be on campus for our end of year events, we are working to celebrate our scholars and have special moments together. To begin with, we will be releasing our Talent Show that we were supposed to have in March. Please stay tuned to our website and facebook page tomorrow for the release of our first ever Talent Show. There will be singing, dancing, and playing of instruments. We have a very talented group of students that have shared their performances with us. On behalf of the school I want you to know how impressed and proud we are of you. We will share more information soon about other celebrations and opportunity to pick up materials at the school. In the meantime, continue to read and learn until we see each other again! Thank you and have a great evening!


Spirit week flyer (1).pdf


spring break ROA last.mp4


Teacher Appreciation Week 2020.pdf



April 7, 2020

Click here to view the latest message from CMS.