Important Dates

Looking forward to EOG Prep Night on Thursday, April 11th, starting at 5 PM!

Past Musical Events...

On the morning of Friday, February 9th, we had two amazing assemblies (3rd-5th and K-2nd) of Studio Time with Mr. B, sponsored by ASC (Arts & Science Council)! The musical and amazing Mr. B set up a recording studio right here in our Lansdowne Gym and worked with our students to sing and move to some creative and fun songs that will help them to remember important ELA (English Language Arts) concepts.  He will be sending these recordings to our teachers so that the students can keep learning and singing their way to success. Way to go Lansdowne Lions! You were great!!!

This school year's Lansdowne Spirit Night with the Charlotte Checkers at Bojangles Arena was on Friday, February 2nd. Just before 7 PM, the Lansdowne Lions Chorus sang the National Anthem. Our Lansdowne family purchased an amazing 354 tickets to root on both the Checkers and the Chorus!!

Lions Chorus Holiday Caroling took place on Tuesday, DECEMBER 19th from 8:45-9:15 AM in the hallway outside the Gym as our students entered the building to send us off for a great Winter Break!

Congratulations to our 4th Grade and Lions Chorus on their awesome December performance of Listen To The Music! I am so proud of all the music and information they learned in preparation for this special opportunity to share their talents with our Lansdowne family!

Hope you didn't miss Ms. Dawn Anthony, talented Charlotte musician, storyteller and author, reading her book, The Gift Way Up In The Closet at our 1st annual Night of Stories in November! She even  donated a signed copy to our school! Her performance was sponsored by ASC.