Learning Resources

Below are just a few resources that encompass all educational subjects and more!

Use brainpop for science, ela, math, and social studies activties. Be sure to login to your class with your username and password.


User Name: 1st 4 letters of first name+ 1st 3 letters of last name then @selwyn

Password: MMDDeagle (MMDD = month month and day of birth)

Example: marykuh@selwyn & 0302eagle

Use Discovery Education to watch videos and work on interactive activities for science, ela, etc. Login through your NCEdCloud account and then Clever for quick access!

Use PBS Kids to play games - both educational (problem solving, teamwork, science, social studies, math, reading, etc.) and just for fun!

Looking for something fun to do? Check out the following activities...

At Home STEM Activities

NIHF At-Home STEM Activity Guide.pdf

Wait! There's MORE...

Games, videos, and MORE!
Quick, educational videos on many science topics
‘Recipes’ for activities kids can do at home and a link to a website below. Parents should check the ‘ingredients’ first before they tell their kids about it, to ensure they have these materials at home.
Interactive Games and Puzzles
Exercise, movement breaks, breathing, yoga, games, and so much more!
Yoga, breathing, & calm down videos
Interactive Games and Puzzles