Lawrence Orr Speech Therapy


We are so glad you stopped by to learn more about us and to view our site. We see your children for specialized treatment of their speech and language needs as written on their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). However, speech and language happens every minute of each day and below are just a few ways you can incorporate working with your child during daily living activities:

Listening is important. When you listen, your child will be encouraged to talk more and you teach your child to listen. You can also listen for them to use their best speech sounds and all of the good things they are learning in speech therapy!

Talk with your child. Watch a favorite TV show together and then discuss it; ask your child the most important ideas and what he/she liked best in the show. Have a conversation with your child whenever you can- during a meal, on a walk, doing an errand. Again, listen for those speech sounds and good language skills!

Encourage reading. Read to your child or have your child read to you. Let your child see that you read newspapers, magazines, and books. Invite your child to look at these with you and talk about what you have read.

Enjoy Language. Help your child to be creative with language. Tell stories, play word games, write a letter to a friend or family member, give diaries as gifts to encourage writing.