About Homework

For reading homework, we would like students to build a positive relationship with books. To help build a LOVE OF READING!

We want students to read every night.

Here are the Details!

Students will have a TRACKER sheet for the month.

On the tracker, students will color the date according to HOW they read (please follow the key provided on the homework sheet).

-Push It = challenge yourself by reading a harder book or reading for endurance.

-Mixing It Up = exploring different genres (stepping out of your comfort zone) or different levels of text.

-Joy and relaxation = rereading favorite books, reading favorite authors, series, and topics.

This calendar will be checked weekly. On the back of the calendar will be a place for students and parents to reflect as well as receive teacher feedback.

Homework will be graded on a completion scale. It will be scored out of 5 points. (1 point= usage of calendar and 1 point for each week the work is successfully checked.)