E2D Program @ WCHS

A $75 Laptop for your Scholar!

Participation in the E2D Program Provides:

  • A fully refurbished laptop computer with a new Windows 7 operating system and Microsoft Office suite of applications already installed

  • The computer is yours to keep for the life of the computer

  • Basic digital literacy training and technical support

  • Network with other agencies for affordable internet solutions

How Do I Sign Up?

Visit West Charlotte High School E2D Re-Image CLT Lab on Wednesday from 2:30-5:00 in Trailer #10 in the Re-Image CLT Lab

To see more information about this phenomenal organization, please visit http://www.e-2-d.org/

E2D in the News!

We had our first mass distribution on October 1st at ImaginOn Library where over 150 West Charlotte High School students were able to receive a laptop. Below are a few images from the distribution day!