
Welcome To Dance

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year!

This year, the dance education program will focus on integrating concepts from core academic subjects as well as 21st Century Learning Skills including critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem-solving. The dance class is designed to teach students fundamentals in dance technique, and choreography, as well as help students develop self-discipline and focus. Students will have an opportunity to showcase their work by performing in school-wide assemblies and end of semester concerts.


Jemecia Vaughn

Requirements for Dance class

1. What do we wear in dance class?

Attire: Loose, Comfortable clothing

Students are not required to wear leotard and tights, or dance attire to dress out, but need to make sure they are properly covered. Acceptable items include: sweat pants, leggings, t-shirt, sweat shirt. No denim, or tank tops are allowed. Shorts worn above the knee must have biker shorts or leggings underneath. Shoes are not worn during class, so make sure to have socks if you are not yet comfortable dancing barefoot.

Students will be required to dress out every day for class, unless informed ahead of time not to bring clothes. Otherwise please have items you need to change into when you arrive for class each day.

2. What are we expected to do in dance class?

The number one requirement in dance class is to simply Dance! Your active participation will guarantee your success in this class. Additional requirements will also include, 1.observing and critiquing other dancers 2.maintaining an active role in creating a positive learning environment. 3.take responsibility for your learning. Be willing, be open, and strive! 3. When assigned, complete writing assignments, class work, and projects.

3. How will I be graded in dance class?

Grades will be updated weekly to power school. P stands for participation, T stands for Test, and CW/HW stands for classwork or homework. Per CMS policy, informal assignments count 35%, formal assignments count 65%.

Classwork/ Informal (35%)

Formal (65%)

Types of assignments

  1. Participation/Dressing Out
  2. In-Class Assignments
  3. Homework Assignments
  4. Final Concert ( test grade)
  5. Movement tests (on choreography)
  6. Vocabulary Tests

Participation is a key aspect of the students’ grade. You will receive a grade for participation every week. Failure to fully participate will negatively your final grade. Students will also receive daily grades for dressing out, excluding the first 2 weeks of class. Each day after that you do not dress out, 10 points will be deducted from your daily grade. These grades will not be able to be replaced or made up.

4. Do I have to perform in dance class?

Yes! The goal is that each student will participate in the Winter/Spring concert at the end of the semester. This is a required performance and will count as a test grade. Concerts can only be made up with prior written notice from a parent or in cases of extreme emergency. Throughout the semester there will be several more opportunities for students to perform and view performances. More information will be provided during the course of the class.


Below you will find a link to forms to be completed about your student.

  1. Student Info Sheet
  2. CMS Video Release (will be sent home by homeroom teacher)

Thank you students for participating in the ARTS, and thank you parents for supporting your child’s education.