Hough Student Parking


(Current as of: January 29, 2025)

 Class of 2025, the 2d Semester Parking Sticker Renewal Window is Now Open! 

(Note: 1st Semester Parking Stickers Expire on February 5, 2025)

If you are a senior who currently has a valid W. A. Hough Student Parking Sticker, is still eligible to have one second semester, and want to maintain your parking privilege, please complete the form below using your CMS student account (Note: This form will also provide you the site to pay for your new sticker.) :

Request to Keep Senior Parking Privilege

How long does the window to renew your privilege remain open? The window to renew your privilege closes 11:59 PM on January 23, 2025 .

Once an eligible student completes the form and pays for the sticker, what do they need to do?  They are “good to go” and should pick up their new sticker at the location and time the school issues them. They should have a copy of their receipt (digital copy is fine) showing  that they paid for the new sticker.

When will Hough issue the new parking stickers to approved students?  We will issue stickers in the Hough Main Lobby at the following dates and times: 

January 28 -- BLOCK 3 (First 15 minutes of each Lunch Period)

January 29 -- BLOCK 3  (First 15 minutes of each Lunch Period)

February 3 -- 2:30 - 3:00 PM

February 4 -- 2:30- 3:00 PM

Please check the Hough Student Homebase, your CMS Student Email, and this website for updates regarding parking sticker distribution. 


What do you do if you do not currently have a parking privilege and sticker, but want to get on the waiting list to receive one? 

Please follow the directions below: 

-Use your CMS email account to complete your application

-Review the Hough Student Parking Policy, Safety Briefing, and Administrative Briefing found on this site. 

-If you meet eligibility criteria (for example, you have a 2.5 weighted GPA or higher), complete the parking application at this link: Hough Parking Application

-You should receive a digital copy of your response (application), if you properly completed your application.   Keep a copy of this response. 

When you apply, please note the following: 


 -You will only be allowed to submit one (1) application, but you will be able to edit that form if you need to update it.

-We will notify students that submitted parking applications on their status. For students that receive a parking privilege, this message will also include how to pay for your sticker and when to pick it up. 

 -Students should monitor their CMS email account, this website, Hough Student Home Base (Canvas), and social media for updates


-The Hough Parking website (this site) can address most of your questions. 

-Please pay particular attention to the "Hough Parking and Procedures" and "Frequently Asked Questions" portions.  

-If you still have questions after viewing the site, please submit them via the "Parking Questions" tab above. 

Hough Parking Policy and Procedures (Please Read Before Submitting an Application or Question)

Working Parking Policy (Draft 1 Apr 19.)

Safe Driving Brief 

Please read the following information carefully as you are responsible for knowing the content of this briefing.

Parking Safety Class.pptx