4th Grade

Upcoming Events:

Transportation Changes

All transportation changes must be communicated via a handwritten note. If you have a last minute change in transportation, the online transportation form must be filled out and completed prior to 2:00. Any forms summited after 2:00 cannot be accepted.



Please continue to fill out the online attendance form when your child is absent from school. You are welcome to email the teacher as an FYI; however, the form must be completed in order for an absence to be changed or excused due to sickness. Please remember that all vacations or trips will be marked as unexcused absences. Absences are ONLY excused if a child is sick

Attendance Form Link: https://schools2.cms.k12.nc.us/Pages/absence.aspx?sid= 

If you do fill out the form and you still receive a call from CMS - please ignore the phone call. This is an automated call system that we cannot control.