8th Grade 

Our 8th Grade Class will be traveling to Washington D.C. on March 21-13, 2024. 

All documents and links with information will be posted to this page as they become available

Permission Forms are Due March 1st.  Click Here for a PDF version.

8th Grade Spring Field Trip | Washington, D.C.

Rising 8th grade students and families! We are very excited to announce that next year’s 8th Grade Spring Field Trip is scheduled for a visit to our nation’s capital - Washington, D.C.!

This exciting opportunity is scheduled for March 21-23, 2024. Activities include touring the National Mall, Smithsonian Institute/Museums, Arlington Cemetery and the Capitol Building

Dates: Thursday March 21st at 6:30am through Saturday March 23rd at 10:30pm (spring 2024)

Cost Per Student: $511 ($499 for the trip- lodging, buses, meals and attractions. $12 for the trip)

Important Dates:

Other Information:

Please reach out to Ms. Nodelman if you have any questions or concerns. stephaniem.nodelman@cms.k12.nc.us or 980-343-5755.

Crestdale's 99 Pledges Link ~ 


99 Pledges! This Fundraiser is going to be open from June 15th to December 15th, 2023. We are going to set up a donation page for each student in 8th grade using a parent email. Fill out the following link: bit.ly/WashingtonDCfunds with the email you would like us to use for a page to be created for your child. Ms Nodelman will be setting up new accounts each Friday over the summer and will email you as soon as the page is created then your child can start fundraising! The Fundraising links will be closed on December 15, 2023. 

The students will be able to customize their page and share the link with family, friends, churches, businesses and community organizations. The students can also use this link for payments for small tasks in the neighborhood - like mowing the lawn, babysitting, etc. Each student is eligible to raise their entire trip fee with this website!  Companies and businesses can go to the school page and donate to the school account to be used as scholarships to be divided amongst the students as well. This is the school fundraiser page: https://app.99pledges.com/fund/crestdalem2. Your child’s individual page will not be activated until you fill out the bitly link above.