7th Grade 

Butterfly Project 

@Levine Jewish Community Center

7th Grade will be participating in a field trip to the Levine Jewish Community Center for their Butterfly Project on either Dec 12, 13 or 14th based on your child's HR teacher. This experience will support learning objectives taught in the classroom for both English Language Arts and Social Studies. For more information please visit their website by clicking here. 

Students are expected to maintatin passing grades, not have excessive absenses in any class and not earn In School Suspension from Monday Nov 27th to Monday Dec 11th.  Permission Slips and $5 were due on December 4th, but we are extending the deadline for permission forms until tomorrow Dec 5th.

Parents need to return their permission form to their Homeroom teacher by 9:05 on Tuesday December 5th. At this time we will be sending our final number to the company to reserve our spots. 

Students will be participating with their Homerooms. The students not participating on the trip or going a different day are still required to attend school. Students will have work to complete with teachers in the building. 

December 12th: Bowers, Bradford, Silva de Souza, Dreibholz

December 13th: Cherry, Kondas, McLendon, Koban

December 14th: Grob, Smith, Thompson, Tyrrell, Hill
