Section 504

Definition - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 with its subsequent amendments is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities. Section 504 regulations require school districts to provide appropriate education to students with disabilities.

Purpose – To provide access to individuals with physical or mental disabilities, thus “leveling the playing field” between those with disabilities and those who are not disabled.

Determination of Eligibility - 1) Have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity or 2) Have a record of such impairment, or 3) Be regarded as having such impairment. The determination of substantially limits is broad and takes into account the nature, severity, duration and long term impact of the impairment.

Process – The 504 team will determine eligibility and the specifics of the 504 plan. The team is comprised of those individuals who know the student well and are able to interpret data to determine eligibility.

Referral for 504 - Teachers or parents should contact the grade level counselor to refer a student for a 504 plan evaluation.

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