5th Grade - Amy Broglin

Mrs. Broglin's Intervention

For those of you that don't already know me, my name is Amy Broglin and I'm the intervention specialist for 5th grade.  I will be offering extra support for students during our 3 remote learning days following Winter Break.  I will have an optional open tutoring time 1/4/21 and 1/6/21, 12:00-12:30 following the class meeting, and 1/5/21, 1:30-2:00. The links for each day are below, but I will also provide a link to the students to join through their school email and on our intervention google classroom each day.  Individual tutoring times are also available to students if needed.

Have a Happy Holiday and please reach out to me if you have any questions.

937-289-2515 Ext 4312



Amy Broglin      https://youtu.be/oHFnUTNW5xk