Time Management


1.  Set Goals for yourself: short-term and long-term

2.  Record Assignments: Use an agenda, planner or pocket calendar

3.  Make a daily "to-do" list: Prioritize what you want to accomplish that day

4.  Use spare time wisely: Read on the bus ride when going home, to games or what waiting for practice to        

        begin.  Also when given class time to begin homework, USE IT!!

5.  It is okay to say "NO" to interruptions: Keep focused on your goals!  For example, if your employer asks  

        you to work an extra shift it is okay to say no if you are preparing for a quiz or test the next day.

6.  Find the right time and place:  Know how you learn best, what time of the day you concentrate the best as 

       well as choosing an environment that will make you successful

7. Get plenty of sleep:  Lack of sleep can make you irritable and less productive.  Plan you time so that you are 

      in bed at a decent hour.