
This school will be held in Gathertown. This platform facilitates a workshop format for the school with directed group work supported by expert instuctors. The password will be sent to participants in advance of the school. We note that this platform works best with Firefox or Google Chrome.

Overview of Gathertown

Gather.town offers a virtual space for school attendees to interact with each other. You use the arrow keys to move your avatar around the space, and are then audio/video-conferenced with people who are near you in the general space, or are anywhere in the same private space as you. You can also interact with objects in the space.

Our space consists of a main hall, lecture hall, various side rooms, poster and demo rooms, and lounges, together with exterior grounds and a beach. Some of the side rooms are named to make it easier to arrange to meet somewhere. Arrows will direct you to the school area.

Signing In

Using the Firefox or Chrome browser, navigate to https://gather.town/app/j2Ozbwz01WxI9YKH/CMB-S4

Enter the password sent in the conference organization email and click "Submit".

Enter your name (first and last please), edit your avatar to your liking, and click "Next".

Select your camera and microphone (giving your browser permission if asked) and click "Join the gathering".


Your avatar appears with a highlight circle around it.

The arrow keys move your avatar through the virtual space.

Whenever you get close enough to another avatar your audio/video feeds are conferenced.

If you enter a private space your feed will be connected with everyone in that space.

To find someone, click on the Participants icon in the very bottom left corner of the screen.

Selecting a participant from the list then allows you to friend, message, locate, or follow them.

Locating them will generate a trail for you to follow to reach them.

Private Spaces

Private spaces allow everyone in that space to connect, even if they are further apart than usual.

Whenever you enter a private space a message will appear at the foot of your screen.

Tables with chairs around them, beach umbrellas with loungers, and most conference rooms are private spaces.

In the poster rooms, the area in front of each poster is a private space.