Oak Class 2024/25
Welcome to Oak Class!
Welcome back! I hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful half term. PE is now on Wednesdays - please wear kit on this day!
Overview for Term 2
Important info:
- PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
- All of Year 6 will be together in Group 3 for Enrichment this year. Term 1 and 2 will be swimming, which starts on 20th September. Please wear PE kit on Fridays.
Homework book: Each child will be given their own homework book, which is where all homework should be completed over the year.
In this book you will find:
Weekly homework tasks (due on Thursday)
A homework grid with a choice of homework tasks to be completed and shared within school.
Spelling list for the term ahead.
Reading: 5-10 minutes of a book with them each day, asking them questions about what they read.
Doodlemaths: three times a week minimum. Please let me know if you require a new log in!
Miss Hodgkinson