
Homework Information

Homework is assigned nightly, Monday through Thursday, and will be due the next day. Homework assignments will include 20 minutes of reading and 30 minutes of additional homework (math, social studies, spelling, science, etc.) each evening. If your student does not complete in-class work, that will also be included as homework for completion that night. Long-term assignments may be given, but periodic checks will be made to monitor progress.

Students use the planner they have been provided to keep track of homework and daily assignments. This a good place to look so you may talk to your child about what he/she is learning. It is also a good place to communicate with me because they will be checked.

Your child is expected to complete all homework assignments each night . If homework is not completed, students will stay in at recess to complete the required assignment(s).

Unfinished classwork and homework will be sent home on Friday to be completed during the weekend.

Homework must be completed independently by your student.

Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions about your child's homework.

I will post websites, videos, homework lists, etc. every day to support your child's learning. I understand it may sometimes be difficult to assist students with their work, and I will do everything I can to make that easier for all.

Students who have excused absences will have the same number of days they were absent to finish their missed assignments. If a student is present prior to the day of a test, however, the make-up test will be given the day of their return.

Click here to go to the district website on Healthy Homework Habits