Please check below for Stewart or McGill specific details. While we teach pretty much the same thing, we do have a few differences because of the ages of our students.

November 28-December 2

Happy Fall Y'all!


It is finally here! I am so excited for this break, all of us need it!
When we get back from break, it will FLY between then and Christmas. We will have 1 more week of curriculum based things as well as holiday activities.
Holidays Around the World will start December 5th and we will be adventuring through the following countries: Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Israel, Uganda, India, Australia, Mexico and finally USA! We will be learning about how they celebrate the holiday season and the traditions they hold. I cannot wait to send home all of the fun things they do so they can tell you all about it!

This weekend if you want to go over our concepts we learned this week, that would be awesome. We covered the following: the letter P, details in stories, shape star, number 7, sequencing and social skills. ALL of these concepts will be taught more in depth as we go throughout the school year but next week we will be adding in: the letter k/c, number 7, shape of diamond, non fiction, sorting food groups, and setting/characters in stories..


  • It's COLD! Make sure your student is dressed accordingly. Please send them in a coat/jacket as we still go outside as long as the temperature is above 42 degrees!

  • PLEASE MAKE SURE TO SEND 2 SNACKS A DAY WITH YOUR STUDENT EACH DAY. We do not provide these for our classes. If your child does not bring a snack, we do not have one for them!


    • November 18 - No school for students

    • November 22 - Ms. Duke's Birthday (Stewart Para)

    • November 27 - Ms. Crouse's Birthday (Stewart Para)

    • November 30 - Ms. Johnston's Birthday (McGill Para)

    • December 5-21 - Holidays Around the World Activities in class

    • December 21 - Student's last day of school for the semester/Party day