Assignments and Grading

***All assignments will be completed daily in class.***

Reading: Students will be expected to read 20 minutes every night.

Spelling: Students will have a new spelling list go home each Friday. Students are expected to study their list at home throughout the week for their test.  Tests will be every Thursday.  

Math: Students will be expected to practice math facts at home every night. At the end of each math topic, there will be a test. Students will take home daily math pages each night and will be expected to study at home. Online practice materials will be assigned at the beginning of each topic if students would like to complete additional practice at home.

Science/Social Studies: Students will occasionally have a project to complete at home and tests to prepare for. We will alternate social studies and science units. Students will need to study at home during these units. 

Please check your child’s take-home folder every night for important papers and their planner every night for assignments. Please review any work that your child may have struggled with during the week. Please sign their planner every night. 

Grading Scale:

A+ 100-97

A 96-93

A- 92-90

B+ 89-87

B 86-83

B- 82-80

C+ 79-77

C 76-73

C- 72-70

D+ 69-67

D 66-60