Khan Academy has many, many lessons and videos in a wide variety of specific subjects and concepts to help you learn.

CLICK HERE to access instructions for how to access Khan Academy.

Socratic has many lessons and videos in a wide variety of specific subjects and concepts to help you learn.

CLICK HERE to access instructions for how to access Socratic.

Livescribe Pens are a type of assistive tech that record lessons and uses short phrases or words written on paper to access specific places in the voice recording. MRHS owns several Livescribe pens which can be signed out from Ms. Donna White in Learning Centre B (Room 95).

CLICK HERE for instructions on how to use our Livescribe Pens.

Evernote is a note-taking website that helps you to take great notes, do research AND work on time management.

CLICK HERE to connect to Evernote's website.

Alice Keeler Open Side By Side is a Chrome extension that allows you to have two websites or pages open side by side on your computer or chromebook. No more flipping back and forth between pages.

CLICK HERE to learn how to add this extension.

Canva is a great free site for making professional looking posters, pamphlets, website or social media banners, etc.

CLICK HERE to go straight to the Canva site.