Feeling Overwhelmed?


This app is put out by Anxiety Canada and works on tracking your anxiety levels and working on techniques to help when you are anxious. You can add it to your tablet or phone.

Teen Mental Health .org

This website has loads on information and resources on many different mental health conditions and concerns.

Kids' Help Phone

If you need help right away or need someone to talk to CLICK HERE.

Your Life Counts

CLICK HERE to access this site.

Building Resilience in Teens - Got Bounce?

CLICK HERE to read a good article on building resilience.

Tips for Parents and Students for Dealing with COVID 19.

CLICK HERE to check out these tips.

The Montague Family of Schools has a Student Well-Being Team to support our students in a variety of ways.

CLICK HERE to access more information about the Montague Student Well-Being Team.