Bradley's SensationLA Sevens!


Welcome to my website at Stonepark Intermediate School! My homeroom will be 7G. I will also be teaching the students of 7F, 7G, 7H, and 7J. These pages were created for the purpose of effectively communicating information to the students, and parents of all four classes. Please note the link I created above. This is a weekly blog that will contain information such as classes being currently taught, topics being discussed in class, due dates for assignments, and information with reminders for important dates.

Teaching is my passion! I love teaching, and learning daily. It is imperative that all students feel welcomed, comfortable, and respected in our classroom. I love to have fun while learning. I am a believer, and promoter of our "Tiger Stripes," that include, "respect, responsibility, empathy, kindness, work ethic, and attitude."

If you have any questions during the school year, please feel free to contact me anytime. You may contact me by email, or phone.


Phone:  902-368-6085 (Stonepark Intermediate)

I look forward to working with you this year!