Family Information and Support Hubs provide an access point for parents/carers to gain information, advice and guidance on a range of subjects helping them to think about what support they need and empowering them to access the information or help that they need.

Sessions are 45 minutes long and offered both face to face and virtually, bookable via Eventbrite (either by parents/carers themselves or by a practitioner on their behalf) Click here for full details.

Full Details on the above here.

Mitcham Park FC Open Trials, full details here.

Merton Uplift offers a wide range of online workshops around self-care, wellbeing, relaxation, self-management.

Please find upcoming workshops here.

Focus group for parents and carers of 5-11 year old children

South West London Health & Care Partnership invites you to join a focus group with a local healthcare professional to share your views and ask questions about the COVID-19 vaccination. If interested, email As a thank you for taking part, you will be offered a £30 shopping voucher.