Key Stage 5 Mathematics

Mathematics >> Key Stage 5 Mathematics

This links directly to the Teams Drive folder for AS Level Mathematics

This links directly to the Teams Drive folder for A Level Mathematics

Revision Materials

Further Practice of A-Level content (and beyond) as part of your revision

Materials for students sitting admission tests at Oxbridge and other Russell Group Universities


- Radio 4 puzzle of the day -

- Brilliant –

- -

- Cut the Knot -

- Nick’s Mathematical Puzzles -

Online Enrichment and Extension Materials

Plus magazine -

This is an internet magazine which introduce readers to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics. They provide articles and podcasts on any aspect of mathematics, covering topics as diverse as art, medicine, cosmology and sport, a news section, showing how recent news stories were often based on some underlying piece of maths that never made it to the newspapers, reviews of popular maths books, and puzzles for you to sharpen your wits.

Numberfile -

A Youtube site that want to further there interest in numbers, pure and simple!

Podcasts – Taking Maths Further -

Each podcast from Taking Maths Further episode takes a topic from the A level Maths or Further Maths syllabus and looks at its applications. Each episode includes an interview with someone working using related mathematics. Each podcast has an associated puzzle and further reading designed to stimulate students’ interest in mathematics outside of the curriculum.


Cambridge University have provided a mathematical reading list covering a wide range of topics -