Class Expectations

Physics Syllabus


  • IF FOR ANY REASON you need to meet with me, I am available after school

    • Monday through Thursday

      • 3:00PM - 4:00PM

    • Email me or Speak with me in class to schedule a meeting.

Classroom Rules and Expectations

Be Prepared for Class

  • Notebook, Scientific Calculator, and PENCIL are required everyday.

  • CHROMEBOOKS - Have your chromebook charged and ready to use. We will not use textbooks and all work will be posted on Google Classroom.

  • Highlighters could be useful for note taking and emphasizing important text, but are not required.

Be respectful to everyone

    • Inappropriate language will not be tolerated.

    • Pay attention and engage yourself during class time.

    • Cell Phones: I will only ask you once to put your phone away. After that you will be disciplined accordingly.

Following Directions

    • Questions? Ask. Ask your classmates for help. THEN, ask me. PLEASE DO NOT SIT THERE CONFUSED. Others will definitely have similar questions.

    • Participation is important! Learning in this course requires working together as a unit.

Be responsible

    1. Be on time.

      • Arrive on time

      • Sign in on time

      • Hand in assignments on time

    1. Work needs to be neat. If you think you have bad handwriting, write slower. Crazy what that could do.

      • I won’t grade it if I can’t read it.

    1. Missed work/Missing work?

      • Check the Grade Portal

      • Check Google Classroom

      • ALL ELSE FAILS, email me.

      • “What am I missing?” = “I don’t know, what are you missing?”


All School rules can be found in The “Student Code of Conduct”

Grading Policy

Assessments: 60%

  • Tests

  • Quizzes

Participation: 20%

  • Practice Problems

  • Writing Assignments

  • Do Nows

  • Exit Tickets

  • Homework

  • ANYTHING that you will submit to me

Labs: 20%

Address To Students:

Welcome to a challenging, fun, and exciting year of honors physics. I am looking forward to working with all of you. The following policies and expectations are designed with our high standards of performance in mind. Please take the time to read them carefully. Honors physics class is a fast paced focusing on problem solving. As a prerequisite for this course, an understanding of basic algebra is assumed.

Practice problems will be reviewed daily. Please note; Physics is a trial and error science, therefore it is your responsibility to check the answers and make corrections to your practice problems as necessary when we review them in class. With this in mind, unless otherwise indicated, all work must be done IN PENCIL with mistakes erased, not crossed out.

If you are not sure how to do a problem, just reading the problem and deciding you do not know how to solve the problem is not trying the problem. You are expected to at least the following:

  • Write down all given information, equations, or definitions that may apply to the problem.

  • Draw a diagram of the problem when applicable.

  • Leave enough room to finish the problem in class when we go over the homework.

Due to the fact that we review homework on a daily basis, late homework will NOT BE ACCEPTED

Quizzes will be given frequently throughout the Unit and should be utilized to assess your own preparedness for the Unit Test. There will be a Test at the end of each Unit.

Tests are given at the end of each unit.

Calculators will be used EVERY SINGLE DAY. Please have at least a basic scientific calculator. Graphing calculators are preferred.

Cheating/Plagiarism will not be allowed at all. If I find that you have copied another student's work or copied something from an online resource you will receive a zero. I will be checking often and especially on tests and quizzes. DO YOUR OWN WORK. Students and Classes will be getting different versions of Tests and Quizzes.

Physics Course Outline

  • These are the units that we will attempt to cover throughout the year:

Kinematics : General motion of objects

Dynamics : Study of Forces and their effects on Motion.

Uniform Circular Motion : Motion of objects traveling in a circle with constant speed

Universal Gravitation : Any two masses attract each other with an equal but opposite force.

Energy : Capacity to perform work (kinetic, potential, and elastic)

Momentum : Quantity of motion that an object has

Electric & Magnetic Fields & Force : Interaction between charged particles

Electric Current & Circuits : Flow of Electric Charges

Waves : Disturbance that transfers energy through matter and space

Modern Physics: Quantum mechanics and Einsteinian Relativity