HOW TO: Stay Physically and Mentally Well AT HOME

What COVID-19 is NOT: An excuse to complain, freak-out, and sit at home doing nothing. It is a time for focus, goal-setting, meditation, kindness, and gratitude for all that you have.

  1. "Learning remotely" does not mean wearing your pajamas all day, slacking off, or working from the couch. This will result in an unfulfilling, unproductive day. Try to keep your regular routine as much as possible, including eating breakfast and getting dressed as usual. Create a dedicated work space, that will allow you to separate school work and leisure time (like you would during a normal weekday).

  2. You can still exercise! While gyms are closed and we are encouraged to stay at home, you can go for a walk or run outdoors on your own. YouTube provides FREE workouts to complete at home in small spaces.

  3. Eat well! While it is easy to binge on junk and snack foods, it is important to eat food that makes you feel good about the decisions you're making for your body.

  4. Limit your time on social media and watching the news. Remember that news stations focus on the NEGATIVE, not the POSITIVE. Focus on the facts. Keep in mind that these steps are being taken as PREVENTATIVE action. Constantly hearing these stories can be upsetting and anxiety-provoking.

  5. Connect with others. Make time to communicate with family members that you usually do not have the time to have important conversations with. FaceTime and talk with friends on the phone.

  6. Ways to entertain yourself, that DO NOT involve your cell-phone:

    • Cook or bake a new recipe

    • Deep clean and organize your room or specific areas of your house

    • Complete small home repairs

    • Listen to a new podcast

    • Binge on new shows and movies

    • Complete a puzzle

    • Play traditional board or card games

    • Read books

    • Do crafts.

*Remember: Conversations, relationships, laughing, kindness, and gratitude have NOT been cancelled.


A-Cortez = Ms. Levine

Cosme-Guzman = Ms. Shaw

Habib-Mohammed = Dr. Meier

Molina-Roca = Ms. Romano:

Rodas-Z = Ms. Cruzado

Student Assistance Counselor = Mr. Del Risco

Supervisor of Guidance = Ms. Cusano


  • 201-313-2355


If you are looking for apps that can remotely assist you with any of these tips, or you are struggling with your mental wellness, please contact Ms. Romano at