Regents Global 10 AIS

Graduate. improve. excel. Our Purpose.

Our goal is to do well in Global History.  Meeting several times each week, we will preview what you will be taught, and we will then review what you have already learned.  We will work to ensure that your assignments for social studies are completed and completed well.  We will work on reading and writing, and we will work on understanding important vocabulary and significant ideas.  We will work to make sure that you are prepared for your tests and quizzes, your midterms and finals, and eventually your Regents Exams.  We will work toward your graduation; we will work to improve; we will work to achieve excellence.  That is why we are here.  That is our purpose.


AIS10 Course Outline, 2023-2024.pdf

Course Outline

General description of our class purpose and studies and of course expectations and goals.

2023 AIS Parent Letter.pdf

Letter to Parents

Introductory note providing details about academic intervention services (AIS), student expectations, needed resources, and contact information.
