Cleeve Park PE Department


At Cleeve Park the aim of the PE curriculum is to encourage participation through enjoyable, engaging activities leading towards a healthy active lifestyle. With a curriculum that enables the development of valuable life skills such as confidence, communication, teamwork, cooperation, resilience and determination. All students at Cleeve Park are encouraged to engage in the extra curricular provision, to not only refine their skill development from lessons but also to enjoy learning the social skills that go hand in hand with sport.

Physical education is a diverse and evolving subject which combines physiology, psychology and sociology of sport and physical activity taught through active practical lessons.

When students leave Cleeve Park they should be able to;

  • have the ability to play / enjoy at least one sport outside of school

  • understand the importance of practice

  • respect opponents, team mates and officials

  • win and lose graciously

  • understand the importance of a healthy active lifestyle on their physical and mental well-being

On this site you will find details of the courses we run, extra-curricular clubs, upcoming events and details about the PE Team here at Cleeve Park.

Mr Stone, Assistant Head Teacher

Upcoming Events: