Sports Science

Head of Faculty: Mr Stone


Examination Board: OCR Cambridge Technical

Aims of the Course

Alongside the GCSE course, the Physical Education department would like to offer an alternative option. This course allows students who have a keen interest in sport, the way the body works, and different factors that affect sport the opportunity to complete a sports related course without the necessity to compete at a high level.

The aim of the course is to provide a course that analyses key issues within the sports world, such as the effect of technology, how we can reduce and treat sports injuries, different training methods and the psychological aspects behind being an elite performer. It covers very similar aspects as the GCSE course but provides an alternative way for the course to be run.

General Description

Students will complete 4 units of work to achieve the GCSE equivalent course, 2 of the units are mandatory units, 1 of which is externally assessed by OCR. There is then 2 further units of work that can be selected depending from a selection.

Mandatory Units Optional Units

Reducing the risks of sports injuries The body’s response to physical activity

Applying principles of training Sports Psychology

Sports Nutrition

Technology in Sports


When thinking of choosing Sports Science you should:

1. Enjoy playing and watching a variety of sports.

2. Be prepared to work hard to improve you knowledge and understanding.

3. Have an interest in factors that affect performance

Assessment Details

Students are NOT assessed in their ability to compete in any sports

They take 1 externally marked exam which represents 25% of the course

They complete 3 Internally marked (OCR moderated) controlled assessments which represents 75% of the course