MTSS is a framework model that encompasses identifying students who are at risk of low academic achievement and using data-driven decision making strategies to provide support to students in the areas of academics, behavioral, and mental health. 

Shantell S. Hunt Ed.S

Ashley Johnson Ed.S

The Multi- tiered System of Support Leads

The Multi- tiered System of Support (MTSS) Lead(s) support the school based teams in the implementation of the practices, supports, and routines. These strategies are the bridge that connect students to interventions, support, and enrichment. The result is student achievement and increased positive outcomes for the whole child. 

The leads support the following school roles:

The MTSS Leads work in collaboration with the Student Support Team to provide comprehensive support all within the Multi- tiered System of Support framework.

The Implementation of the SB 48 which requires school districts to screen student K-3 for Dyslexia is monitored through the MTSS process.


Tier 2 Liaison

Reading Intervention Teacher

MTSS Academic Flowchart

MTSS Behavior Flowchart

Family Guides

MTSS Family Guide

MTSS Family Guide.pdf

MTSS Family Guide (Spanish)


Myths & Facts


MTSS Key Terms


Frequently asked questions