Student Life

What is Student Life?

Student life encompasses all school sponsored extracurricular activities focusing mainly on clubs and student organizations.

Why seek to have a vibrant student life experience at Classical Prep?

Reaching the goal of forming intellectual and moral leaders does not only occur within the confines of the academic classroom; clubs and student organizations offer students with the opportunity to seek further growth and development. Moreover, clubs and student organizations promote a healthy student culture that is focused on an excellence-based work ethic, continuous learning, collaboration, and leadership.

What does being a student at Classical Prep involve?

We EXPECT and ENCOURAGE students to get involved! Yes, we are an academically rigorous school , but we also like to have fun. Our students work extremely hard and are amazingly talented in so many ways - from leadership to sports to the organization of student events. Here's a glimpse of what student life consists of in the Upper School.

Copy of Student Life Presentation