Advanced Placement (AP) classes are college-level courses offered in high schools. These courses give students the opportunity to engage in college-level work while still in high school. By taking AP classes, students can challenge themselves academically, demonstrate their readiness for college, and potentially earn college credit by scoring well on the AP exams. 

AP classes cover a wide range of subjects, from English and History to Math and Science. The rigor of AP classes can better prepare students for the demands of college coursework and may also enhance their college applications by showcasing their academic abilities.

The Benefits of AP Courses & Exams

Stand Out to Colleges

“AP” on your high school transcript shows colleges you're motivated to succeed, and taking the exam demonstrates your commitment to tackle and complete college-level work.

Earn College Credit and Placement

Your AP score could earn you college credits before you even set foot on campus. In fact, most AP students who enroll in four-year colleges start school with some credit.

Boost Your GPA

Most high schools offer a GPA boost to students who take AP. Be sure to check with your school for more information.