What is CLC?
Free After School Clubs: provide academic and enrichment extended learning opportunities to spark new and nurture current interests. This program is assessed by the Nebraska Department of Education and the Lincoln CLC Office.
Family Service Before and After School Program: Fee based program provide by Family Service Lincoln to assist with extended learning both before and after school. This program is assessed by the State of Nebraska, the Nebraska Department of Education and the Lincoln CLC Office.
Summer Programs and Opportunities: There are free summer opportunities for activities and mini camps through the CLC Strategy. Also, Family Service Lincoln has fee-based programming for students each summer.
West Lincoln CLC is dedicated to connecting families to the school to create a stronger support system for our youth.
Family Engagement - Family events to provide fun and safe environments for families to connect, learn, and thrive.
West Lincoln PTO
West Lincoln CLC is dedicated to connecting families to the school to create a stronger support system for our youth.The CLC strategy connects the neighborhood and community partners to bring together the village it takes to raise a child.
Community Partners: Without community partners we would not be able to embrace the community school model.