
These resources have been curated by LPS Library Services to support curriculum topics. Please pre-read to make sure the content matches your specific instructional goal.

Balancing Forces

10-Minute Engineering Projects πŸ”Š

Air πŸ”Š


Bullet Trains

Clang! Wile E. Coyote Experiments with Magnetism πŸ”Š

Curious Pearl Kicks Off Forces and Motion

Energy πŸ”Š

Force and Motion Β πŸ”Š

Gravity πŸ”Š

Learning about Energy, Forces, and Motion Β πŸ”Š

Magnets πŸ”Š

The Science of Magnets πŸ”Š

Los Imanes (The Science of Magnets: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Magnetism πŸ”Š

Momentum πŸ”Š

Scooby-Doo! The Rogue Robot πŸ”Š

Sir Isaac Newton πŸ”Š

Weight πŸ”Š

Whoosh! Wile E. Coyote Experiments with Flight and Gravity πŸ”Š

Zac Newton Investigates Fabulous Forces

Wile E. Coyote Experiments with Magnetism Β πŸ”Š

Environments and Survival

Amazing Adaptations: Behavior πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Camouflage πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Family Groups πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Flight πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Hibernation πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Metamorphosis πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Migration πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Physical Characteristics πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Resource Conservation πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Symbiosis πŸ”Š

Amazing Adaptations: Senses πŸ”Š

Animals Communicating πŸ”Š

Animals Caring for their Young πŸ”Š

Animals Finding Food πŸ”Š

Animals Attacking πŸ”Š

Animals Defending Themselves πŸ”Š

Animals Depending on Other Animals πŸ”Š

Animals Finding Mates πŸ”Š

Animal Lives: Insects and Spiders πŸ”Š

Animal Lives: Mammals πŸ”Š

Mollusks and Similar Sea Creatures πŸ”Š

Animal Lives: Amphibians πŸ”Š

Animal Lives: Reptiles πŸ”Š

Animal Lives: Fish πŸ”Š

Animal Lives: Birds πŸ”Š

Carnivorous Plants πŸ”Š

Fleeing to Survive

Getting Smelly to Survive

Plant and Animal Adaptations πŸ”Š

Water Plants πŸ”Š

What Has Claws? πŸ”Š

What Has Horns? πŸ”Š

What Has Spots? πŸ”Š

What Has Wings? πŸ”Š


Animal Adaptations

Animal Life Cycles πŸ”Š

Baby Chickens

Becoming a Butterfly

Becoming a Frog

Bees Β πŸ”Š

Butterflies Β πŸ”Š

Butterflies πŸ”Š


Chickens πŸ”Š

Chickens - FactCite 123Β  πŸ”Š

Chickens πŸ”Š

Eagles πŸ”Š


Flamingos πŸ”Š

Flamingos πŸ”Š

Flamingos πŸ”Š

Flowers πŸ”Š

Frogs πŸ”Š

Frogs πŸ”Š

Frogs πŸ”Š

Ladybugs πŸ”Š

Mosquitoes πŸ”Š

Plants πŸ”Š

Plant Life Cycles πŸ”Š

Plants πŸ”Š

Rabbits πŸ”Š

Robins πŸ”Š

Salmon πŸ”Š

Salmon πŸ”Š

Sea Turtles πŸ”Š

Sea Turtles πŸ”Š

Trees πŸ”Š

Why are Flamingos Pink? πŸ”Š

Weather and Climate

Awesome Infographics: Weather πŸ”Š


Blizzards πŸ”Š

Curious Pearl Dives Into Weather Β πŸ”Š

Fall Β πŸ”Š

Floods πŸ”Š

Los Inundaciones (Floods: Spanish) πŸ”Š


Forecasting Weather


Heat Waves πŸ”Š

Los Olas De Calor (Heat Waves: Spanish) πŸ”Š

How Do Tornadoes Form? πŸ”Š

Learning about Weather πŸ”Š


Los Huracanes (Hurricanes: Spanish) πŸ”Š


Meteorologist Β πŸ”Š

Natural Disasters

Nature's Fireworks: A Book About Lightning πŸ”Š

PrecipitationΒ  πŸ”Š

Precipitatcion (Precipitation: Spanish)Β  πŸ”Š

Rainforests Β πŸ”Š

Las Selvas (Rainforest: Spanish) Β πŸ”Š

Rumble, Boom! A Book About Thunderstorms πŸ”Š

Spring πŸ”Š

Summer πŸ”Š

Temperature πŸ”ŠΒ 

Thermometer πŸ”Š


Tornadoes πŸ”Š

Los Tornados (Tornadoes: Spanish πŸ”Š)


True or False? Weather

Tsunamis πŸ”Š

Los Tsunamis (Tsunamis: Spanish) πŸ”Š

Twisters: A Book About Tornadoes πŸ”Š

Weather πŸ”Š

Weather πŸ”Š

Weather and Climate Change πŸ”Š

Whiteout! A Book About Blizzards πŸ”Š

Winter πŸ”Š

Zach Newton Investigates Wild Weather πŸ”Š