
These resources have been curated by LPS Library Services to support curriculum topics. Please pre-read to make sure the content matches your specific instructional goal.

Social and Emotional Health

Be Bold!

courage, facing fears, trying new things, & failure

Be Kind!

bullying & standing up to bullying

Be Respectful!

courtesy, tolerance, politeness, making good choices & doing good deeds

Be Strong!Β 

problem solving, goals, mistakes, positivity, resilience, self-confidence & toughness

The Bully Blockers Club πŸ”Š


Don't Forget!Β 


Empathy πŸ”Š

decision making, empathy, encouragement & positive thinking

Game Over

dealing with bullies

A Good Team

cooperativeness & teamwork

Integrity πŸ”Š

decision making, encouragement, integrity & positive thinking

Manage Feelings

emotions, anger, fear, sadness & fight or flight response

Manners at School

respect, manners & etiquette

No Bullies Allowed!


Online Etiquette πŸ”Š

digital safety

Online Safety πŸ”Š

digital safety

Peace Week in Miss Fox's Class πŸ”Š

kindness, etiquette, peace & alternatives to arguing

Princess Kim and Too Much TruthΒ  πŸ”Š

difference between being honest and always speaking the truth

Problem Solving πŸ”Š

decision making, encouragement, patience & problem solving

Respecting Others Online πŸ”Š

digital safety

Responsible Decision Making πŸ”Š

decision making, encouragement, optimism, positive thinking & self-talk

Show Some Respect

cleaning up & respect

Staying Bully-Free Online


The Wolf who Learned to be Good πŸ”Š


Environmental Health


An Alternative Energy Source πŸ”Š

An Essential Natural Resource πŸ”Š

Dams πŸ”Š

Energy Explorer, Biofuels πŸ”Š

Energy Explorer, Solar Power πŸ”Š

Energy Explorer, Water Power πŸ”Š

Green Buildings πŸ”Š

Green Energy πŸ”Š

Miss Fox's Class Goes Green πŸ”Š

Natural Resources, Coal πŸ”Š

Natural Resources, Forests πŸ”Š

Natural Resources, Fossil Fuels

Mario Jose Molina, Environmental ScientistΒ  πŸ”Š

Natural Resources, Natural GasΒ  πŸ”Š

Natural Resources, Oil πŸ”Š

Natural Resources, Sunlight

Natural Resources, Water πŸ”ŠΒ 

Natural Resources, WaterΒ 


Reducing WasteΒ  πŸ”Š

Thinking Green πŸ”Š

The Three R's: Clothing πŸ”Š

Β The Three R's: E-Waste πŸ”Š

The Three R's: Glass πŸ”Š

The Three R's: Metal πŸ”Š

The Three R's: Paper πŸ”Š

The Three R's: Plastic πŸ”Š

The Three R's: Water πŸ”Š

Traveling Green πŸ”Š

Wangari Maathai, Environmental Activist πŸ”Š

Water Pollution πŸ”Š

La ContaminaciΓ³n del Agua (Spanish: Water Pollution) πŸ”Š

Water Consumption and ScarcityΒ  πŸ”Š

Water Quality πŸ”Š


Avoiding Hidden Dangers

Eat a Rainbow

Eating Green πŸ”Š

Special Diets

Food πŸ”Š

Food πŸ”Š

Food Groups πŸ”Š

Food Safety Basics

Foods in Different PlacesΒ  πŸ”Š

Fruits πŸ”Š

Fruits πŸ”Š

How to Grow Nutritious Food πŸ”Š

Make a Meal Plan

Nutrition Basics

Nutrition for Athletes

Nutrition in the News

Our Many Foods πŸ”Š

Processed Foods

Striking a Healthy Balance

Vegetables πŸ”Š

Your Body on Caffeine

Your Body on Carbohydrates

Your Body on Dairy

Your Body on Gluten

Your Body on

Your Body on Sugar