October 2024
In This Issue - Click on any topic to jump to that information
A Message From the Principal
Mickle Families,
The first quarter flew by, and fall break will be here before we know it. There is no doubt the second quarter will go equally as fast. This newsletter is full of information that can be useful in keeping informed with everything that is going on at Mickle. Please pay close attention to the PTSO section as well as the Staff:Parent Book Club details. Our hope is to continue building collaborative bridges in our partnership between home and school.
Enjoy the fall.
Jason Shanahan - Principal
Community Learning Center
Check out the latest news about the Mickle CLC by clicking on this link to read the latest CLC newsletter.
Madi Klingenberg
Counseling Center
Your Mickle School Counselors are certified/licensed educators who improve student success for ALL students with academic achievement strategies, prosocial and interpersonal skills, and planning for postsecondary options.
At Mickle Middle School, our counselors ‘loop’ with their class of students from 6th to 7th to 8th grade so that counselors, students, and families can build relationships.
Students can request a meeting with their counselor during the school day by filling out a digital form linked in their Counselor Google Classroom.
Parents can contact School Counselors via email:
6th grade School Counselor, Megan Bates: mbates2@lps.org
7th grade School Counselor, Nicki Hanseling, nhansel@lps.org
8th grade School Counselor, Katie Reisdorff, kreisdo@lps.org
Health Office
REMINDER for families of current 7th grade students:
The Health Office must receive documentation of a physical examination (completed in the last six months) by a physician, physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse as well as documentation of a TDaP (required immunization) booster.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your school nurse at 402 436.1216.
This link will take you to the Mickle Intramural Page.
Mickle Staff and Parents Book Club
This year we are hoping to create a book club to offer the opportunity for staff and families to collaborate and discuss issues directly related to middle school. For this year, we have selected the book "Middle School Matters" by Phyllis Fagell. This book identifies ten essentional skills the author identifies as essential for helping students flourish at this time of their lives. Our plan is to meet immediately following the conclusion of each PTSO meeting to discuss a designated portion of the book. If this is something that interests you, please plan to come to the next PTSO meeting to be held on October 17 at 6:00 PM. We will pass out books and have a brief initial conversation about our hopes for the club, as well as agree upon the portion of the book we will discuss following the November PTSO meeting.
Here is a brief description of the book:
Middle school is its own important, distinct territory, and yet it's either written off as an uncomfortable rite of passage or lumped in with other developmental phases. Based on her many years working in schools, professional counselor Phyllis Fagell sees these years instead as a critical stage that parents can't afford to ignore (and though "middle school" includes different grades in various regions, Fagell maintains that the ages make more of a difference than the setting). Though the transition from childhood to adolescence can be tough for kids, this time of rapid physical, intellectual, moral, social, and emotional change is a unique opportunity to proactively build character and confidence. Fagell helps parents use the middle school years as a low-stakes training ground to teach kids the key skills they'll need to thrive now and in the future, including making good friend choices, negotiating conflict, regulating their own emotions, be their own advocates, and more. To answer parents' most common questions and struggles with middle school-aged children, Fagell combines her professional and personal expertise with stories and advice from prominent psychologists, doctors, parents, educators, school professionals, and middle schoolers themselves.
If you would like to receive text messages from Mickle or LPS to your phone, this document will assist you in setting that up.
Click here to watch a tutorial on how to use all of the helpful tools offered in ParentVue, including viewing your student's attendance, tardies, work completion, and grades.
Dine out Don & Millies (83rd & O only) Tuesday Oct 8th, 4-9pm, you must mention Mickle when ordering.
Our next PTSO meeting will be held on Oct 17th at 6pm in the Mickle media center.
Upcoming Events
Stay current on upcoming school events by checking the school calendar here.