LSE Athletic Program Philosophy

Lincoln Southeast Athletic Program Philosophy

The Lincoln Southeast Athletic Program believes in the tremendous value that athletics have on the development of young people. We believe that athletics are a wonderful opportunity for young people to stretch their physical and mental capabilities. Our focus is to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment that allows our student athletes to improve not only in their performance and physical skills, but more importantly, improve as people, developing life skills. Our goal is to pursue excellence by motivating students to do their best. We encourage student athletes to become involved in multiple sports to gain the benefits that each can provide and contribute to the long standing “Tradition of Excellence” in athletics that has been established at Lincoln Southeast.

Lincoln Southeast Athletic Program Pillars of Success

As an extension of the classroom for our students, the Lincoln Southeast Athletic Program focuses on the following Pillars of Success to enable our “Tradition of Excellence” to continue…



Lincoln Southeast Athletics are





Therefore, we expect the utmost from all of our student athletes. Lincoln Southeast coaches are here to dedicate their time and talents to attend camps, clinics and classes to learn the most current techniques and strategies. They are teachers of their sport first. As student athletes, your physical, mental and emotional abilities are important. We must work to always improve our skills as individuals and as a team. The more effort and enthusiasm we put into our program, the more we will all receive. Remember, NOTHING GOOD EVER CAME EASY.

WE believe in EFFORT and LEADERSHIP. Anything worthwhile can only be achieved with enthusiasm and effort. Our success depends largely upon the effort players are willing to exhibit everyday and upon the effort coaches are putting in preparing for every practice and every game. Leadership is the demonstration of effort at the highest level. Some leaders are verbal and some are silent. Some leaders are older and some are younger. Be a leader in the classroom, on the field and on the court by setting your goals high and diligently working toward them. Coaches, players and their families are all role models for our future KNIGHTS.

WE believe in TEAMWORK. Within a team there are no stars, only roles, with each role significant to the success of the team. Selfishness will not be tolerated and playing time is NON-NEGOTIABLE. Please do not measure a student athlete’s self worth by their playing time. The ultimate goal of a team is reaching the point where the whole is greater than the parts and we elevate our play to an exemplary level.

WE believe in UNITY. The players must trust their coaches to do what is best for the team. The coaches must trust their players to fulfill their responsibilities. We can build trust by telling the truth. It is important that players trust each other as they work toward their common goals. Team Unity is the backbone of the Lincoln Southeast Athletic Program.

WE believe in DISCIPLINE. Discipline means making us do the tough things and sacrifice is sometimes a part of discipline. Staying focused to perform like we have been taught, concentrating on our goals and on the game plan, even through tough times, exhibits discipline as a team. The better disciplined we are, the better competitors we will be. Each of us needs to be disciplined in the classroom, on the field, on the court as well as in our daily lives in order for the Lincoln Southeast Athletic Program to be successful.

WE believe in COMPETITION. Competition will take place within a team as players compete for positions and playing time. Competition will test us against the best teams in the state. Tough competition makes us better. Whatever recognition we receive, whether as individuals or as a team, are legitimate ONLY if it is earned through competition. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.

WE believe in SPORTSMANSHIP. If athletics are to achieve their goal of producing better citizens, then certain behaviors must be emphasized while others must be discouraged. Cooperation, respectfulness and emotional control are vital. Complaining, whining and excuses will not be tolerated. Since a player’s behavior reflects not only on themselves and on their family, but also on the program, the school and the Lincoln Southeast Community as a whole, we must be certain that we leave a positive impression. Our fans and opponents, who come in contact with our program, must view us as a CLASS ACT. Behaviors before and after a competition are also very important.

These expectations are for everyone involved in the Lincoln Southeast Athletic Program. We are proud of our program and are excited to have you as part of our “Tradition of Excellence.” Have a GREAT season.

-The Lincoln Southeast Coaches and Athletic Department Administration and Staff