Back to School 23-24

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Go to the LPS Website and use this Jump Code:  OUYI

This fun game uses AI generated images to create a "guess the word" game.

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Detective: An AI Unplugged Activity! 

Detective Example

Unplugged Activity

This fun unplugged activity helps kids discover the rule by using Computational Thinking.  

The activity simulates AI or Machine Learning.  The detective is, with each guess, gathering information to help them make an informed decision.

Updates and Changes

Scratch Jr Activity

Multi Device Project

Using 3-4 devices, create an animation that starts on one device and moves through each device.  

Pro Tip:  Make sure that you turn on "Grid View" to help you determine start and stop points!

How'd you do that??  Check out our code below!

Device 1

Device 2

Device 3

Announcements and Final Questions/Comments

Don't forget to use the Elementary CS Zoom chat if you have a question or concern -- many times it's one of the fastest ways to get information.

Always feel free to reach out to Jason or Susan (zoom or email) if you need guidance or ideas or input on something.  

