Teacher Desk

This Chromebook is set up to project using HDMI.  If you sign in with your credentials it should be all set for you to use with today's lessons.  You can sign out and remove yourself at the end of the day if you wish.

Mobile Desk

You will find the wireless mouse and keyboard you can use when presenting in my room.  

When the wireless keyboard has been idle, you will need to press any key so it connects to the computer.  I press the spacebar and then it should be connected and ready to go.  This can happen often throughout the day as it sits idle.  The mouse is on and ready to use.

Audio Enhancement

The lanyard mic and the hand held microphone are plugged in and ready to be used.  They are both located on the "chalk ledge" next to my teacher desk.  I generally try and plug the lanyard in over the lunch hour to give a little more "juice" for the afternoon.