4th Grade Q3

Theme:  Functions

Vocabulary Word

Imagine you have a procedure, routine, or an algorithm that completes a task -- like drawing a square.   If you needed to recall that algorithm many times throughout a program, you could create function.  When creating a function, you give it a name  and define it -- or create the rules or steps for it to follow.  You can then just use that function block in your code.  In the example to the left, we want the artist (sprite) to draw a square.  We created a function called Square and used our code blocks to define what that looks like.  We can now use the one block called Square instead of the repeat, move, and turn blocks that define the square.  Functions can help our programs become shorter and more efficient.

Lesson Opener


Think of the first five things you do every day.  Maybe you get up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush your teeth, and comb your hair.  If we wanted to make those five steps into a function, what would we call it?

Can you think of other routines you follow that are the same every day?  Can you make those steps into a function?  

Unplugged Activities

Plugged Activities


Supplemental Resources

Formative Assessments


What are the benefits of using functions in a program?

When might a programmer want to create or use a function?