3rd Grade Q4

Theme:  Conditionals

Vocabulary Word

While you are driving and IF the intersection light turns RED, you must stop.  WHEN the light turns green, you may go. 

IF your video game player collects treasure, you gain points.

IF you eat all of your vegetables, you can have dessert!

We use conditionals every day.  Can you think of other conditionals we follow in our lives?

Lesson Opener


Who will be the last person standing?

Scratch link 

Unplugged Activities

Plugged Activities

Code.org - Course D - Lesson 15

Lesson Plan

Optional Slide Deck


Supplemental Resources

Grab some dice and some paper and start rolling -- have fun learning about conditionals!

Formative Assessments

Conditionals Code Block Sort

This JamBoard contains 2 pages, one using Scratch blocks and one using Code.org blocks.  Use one or both to meet the needs of your students.


What is a conditional statement?

How can a conditional block be used in a program?