3rd Grade Q2

Theme:  Loops

Vocabulary Word

A loop tells a program how many times to repeat an action or set of actions. Loops will make your program more efficient.  You can tell a program to repeat something two times ... or 200 times!  You could even program something to repeat FOREVER!  An important skill to use when creating loops is Pattern Recognition.  All you have to do is look for patterns in the algorithm and put those patterns in a loop!

Lesson Opener


How can loops be used in programming?

What does the word efficient mean?  

Plugged Activities


In the story, Pearl codes her robot, Pascal, to build a sandcastle.  Loops make it go faster.

Each Lab has a physical copy of this book.

This time, Pearl and Pascal build a rollercoaster!

Each Lab has a physical copy of this book.

Formative Assessments


How can loops be used in programming?